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I'd like to share with you my reasons for running and a brief biography ~Alan

Why I am Running

I walk often in the parklands around my home in Albany Creek, and am never shy about offering a greeting or striking up a conversation with my many neighbours who share my love of being outdoors and of our community.

These conversations have all turned in the same direction these past years. Both the ALP-Green Alliance and Liberal National Coalition are two sides of the same coin. They offer no real choice between them, only gradations of the same policy positions. We're tired of this government, but the alternative major parties offer little that's not worse.

I cannot tolerate the frequent hypocrisy, ignorance and deceitful conduct which has plagued every political institution in Australia these past two and a half years. I felt that this left me with two choices: To *hope* an independent of good character, depth of knowledge and experience stood up: Someone who got it, who understood the problems we are all facing. Or I could stand up myself, as such a candidate. To do the legwork and have a go. I do not believe our values or our plan are at odds with our fellow Dicksonians - and so I am running.

The three pillars of my election promise to you are: Education, Security, Prosperity.

I cannot stand aside this election and *hope* someone else stands up. I am standing up. I hope you'll stand with me.


My Story

Alan was born in Adelaide and moved with his father's postings as a child. Alan first moved to Brisbane with his parents and siblings in 1993, when his father Robert Buchbach was posted from Darwin to Brisbane.

Alan attended St. Paul's School in Bald Hills, before heading to UQ and residing at the King's College on campus to study Biotechnology. Whilst studying at UQ Alan researched on Wolbachia under Nobel prize nominee Prof Scott O'Neil and on increasing the efficiency of Biocane and other Helicoverpa control agents under Biotech program co-director Dr Steven Reid.

During a late-night conversation with friends at King's, Alan posed the question, What is it that makes a Citizen? His own answer in the discussion being that a citizen takes responsibility for his community. Having made the statement, Alan put his money where his mouth was and began the process of enlisting in the reserves. At 18 he was sworn in and joined the RAAMC.

Shortly after graduation, then Premier Peter Beattie began to chase the biotech jobs out of Queensland and so Alan followed one to Victoria... where he promptly began training as an Air Traffic Controller like his father.

In less than a year, Alan knew that ATC was not for him. Alan returned to study at UQ while working odd jobs and retrained as a geologist, fortunately receiving credit for many of his chemistry and other subjects from his Biotech degree.

Post his graduation in geology, Alan has worked in just about every aspect of the profession: Exploration and production. Environmental, base metals, precious metals, mineral sands, oil and gas and construction materials.

His career took him all around Australia as well as brief deployments to France and the USA while working in the energy resource sector. Alan loves knowledge and has continued to study while working, earning qualifications in finance and economics as well as undertaking many technical training programs in Emergency Response and Mine Rescue where he volunteered throughout his mining career.

Alan has spent recent years back in Albany Creek, his home town; climbing out of geology and into project and general management roles.

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Like many young Queenslanders, Alan spent summers fruit picking around Bundaberg

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